Success story

Wendy shares some of her remarkable experiences living with rheumatoid arthritis. Her journey has been one of tears, difficult times and struggles; but also, moments of joy and success.

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Success Story

Wendy Favorito
Consumer Director Arthritis Australia
Chair, Arthritis Australia National Consumer Reference Group (rheumatoid arthritis)

The improvement in the disease activity that enabled me to go on and have a second child, which I never thought I could do. So we had our second baby and we had a girl so we had our pinch and pair and we counted our blessings and we closed up shop. And then I’m happy to say, for roughly 11 years I had relative disease stability on the biologic; I still had flare-ups here and there but they were infrequent and they were very small in comparison to the huge flare-ups I’d known over the previous decades and I’m happy to say my life then became beautiful and boring and I went back to work part-time and I parented my children, and we built our family home and did all those lovely things that every couple should do when they have a family. I love all those everyday things of walking my kids to school and just being a normal person.


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Click on to find a list of links to organisations around the world that help with issues relating to all types of arthritis.

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